Friday, December 16, 2011

Gosh im thinking too much again..
I realised I havent been socialising much, it's so not me. Staying at home rotting instead of having fun outside with friends.
And yes, Im thinking too much again cuz I miss you. Last year's this month, many things happened. Things I never imagined would happen.Yes, it tore me into shreds. But they say what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger. So I guess that was how I went through the whole year. It was a rough year. I tried to look tough on the outside, but the truth is, on the inside, everyday I'm crying, everyday I'm dying for all these to be over. And now, I realise, it won't be over for a very long time. I do admit i get paranoid very often, and I'm sorry, but it's just me. Actually I think you should be glad that I get paranoid. ._. or not ._. i dont know. Okay I dont know what I'm saying anymore so I'll stop here I guess.
Nobody would believe me but yeah, I love you, more than anything else in this world. :)

stupid me in tears again ><

okay ._.
oh one more thing i wanna complain here.
MY NECK FREAKING HURTS!! :(:(:( it hurts like hell :( and my throat too :( please dont tell me its infection again ._.

bloody hell I wanna see you I wanna go out with you the freaking ban is over already and I still dont get to see you.

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